~2 min. read
You can cancel (downgrade) your subscription at any time to stop future payments. Simply click the Downgrade to Free button and confirm the action at billing.w3schools.com.
Important: Downgrading schedules a cancellation for the end of your current billing period. Your current plan will remain active until the end of this period - whether you are on a monthly or yearly subscription. Once this period ends, your subscription will automatically downgrade to the Free plan, and no further payments will be made.According to our terms of use, you need to schedule your downgrade before the new subscription period begins. If an invoice has already been issued or an automatic payment attempt has been made, it means a new billing period has started, and you will still be responsible for this payment. Essentially, we provide a short grace period for payment completion, which still applies even if you initiate a downgrade during this time.
1. Go to Billing and scroll down
- Make sure you're logged into the correct W3Schools Account before canceling your subscription. If you are on the correct account, simply click the Downgrade to Free button to proceed.
2. Confirm the downgrade
- Clicking the Yes, downgrade to Free button will confirm and schedule the downgrade of your subscription.
Tip: Before your current subscription period ends, ensure your Spaces are adjusted to fit within the Free plan quotas. Otherwise, you may need to upgrade for at least one month to regain access to your data.